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EpIC 1.1.0
Monte Carlo generator for exclusive processes
▼NEPIC | |
CAutomationService | Service used for automatic test of modules |
CAxisType | Definition of enumeration values for axis types |
CDDVCSGeneratorService | Service used to perform generation of DDVCS MC events |
CDDVCSKinematic | Class representing single observable kinematics for DDVCS process |
CDDVCSKinematicDefault | Kinematic module to determine four-momenta from DDVCS kinematics |
CDDVCSKinematicModule | Kinematic module for DDVCS |
CDDVCSKinematicRanges | Container to store single kinematic ranges for DDVCS |
CDDVCSRCModule | Radiative corrections module for DDVCS |
CDDVCSRCNull | Radiative correction module for DDVCS process giving no corrections |
CDVCSGeneratorService | Service used to perform generation of DVCS MC events |
CDVCSKinematic | Class representing single observable kinematics for DVCS process |
CDVCSKinematicDefault | Kinematic module to determine four-momenta from DVCS kinematics |
CDVCSKinematicModule | Kinematic module for DVCS |
CDVCSKinematicRanges | Container to store single kinematic ranges for DVCS |
CDVCSRCCollinear | Radiative correction module for DVCS process using collinear approximation |
CDVCSRCCollinearFull2ndOrder | Radiative correction module for DVCS process using collinear approximation |
CDVCSRCModule | Radiative corrections module for DVCS |
CDVCSRCNull | Radiative correction module for DVCS process giving no corrections |
CDVMPGeneratorService | Service used to perform generation of DVMP MC events |
CDVMPKinematic | Class representing single observable kinematics for DVMP process |
CDVMPKinematicDefault | Kinematic module to determine four-momenta from DVMP kinematics |
CDVMPKinematicModule | Kinematic module for DVMP |
CDVMPKinematicRanges | Container to store single kinematic ranges for DVMP |
CDVMPRCModule | Radiative corrections module for DVMP |
CDVMPRCNull | Radiative correction module for DVMP process giving no corrections |
CEpic | The main class of generator |
CEpicModuleObject | Testable version of PARTONS::ModuleObject |
CEvent | Single event |
CEventAttributeType | Definition of event attribute types |
CEventGeneratorFOAM | Event generator based on FOAM library |
CEventGeneratorInterface | Interface to EventGeneratorModule |
CEventGeneratorModule | Definition of module for generation of events from a given distribution |
CExperimentalConditions | Container to store experimental conditions |
CGAM2GeneratorService | Service used to perform generation of GAM2 MC events |
CGAM2Kinematic | Class representing single observable kinematics for GAM2 process |
CGAM2KinematicDefault | Kinematic module to determine four-momenta from GAM2 kinematics |
CGAM2KinematicModule | Kinematic module for GAM2 |
CGAM2KinematicRanges | Container to store single kinematic ranges for GAM2 |
CGAM2RCModule | Radiative corrections module for GAM2 |
CGAM2RCNull | Radiative correction module for GAM2 process giving no corrections |
CGeneralConfiguration | Container to store general configuration of generator |
CGenerationInformation | Container to store run related information |
CGeneratorService | Template for services handling generation of MC events |
CKinematicModule | Template for kinematic module |
CKinematicRange | Container to store a single kinematic range |
CModuleObjectFactory | |
CMonteCarloParser | |
CMonteCarloScenario | Container to store information from xml scenario |
CMonteCarloTask | Container to store information from xml scenario for a single task |
CParticle | Single particle |
CParticleCodeType | Definition of enumeration values for particle types |
CParticleType | Definition of enumeration values for particle types |
CRandomNumberGSL | Generation of random numbers based on GSL |
CRandomNumberModule | Definition of module for generation of random numbers |
CRandomSeedManager | Manager for random number seeds |
CRCModule | Template for radiative correction module |
CServiceObjectRegistry | Registry to obtain pointer to a given service |
CTCSGeneratorService | Service used to perform generation of TCS MC events |
CTCSKinematic | Class representing single observable kinematics for TCS process |
CTCSKinematicDefault | Kinematic module to determine four-momenta from TCS kinematics |
CTCSKinematicModule | Kinematic module for TCS |
CTCSKinematicRanges | Container to store single kinematic ranges for TCS |
CTCSRCModule | Radiative corrections module for TCS |
CTCSRCNull | Radiative correction module for TCS process giving no corrections |
CTestingService | Service used for automatic test of modules |
CVertex | Vertex representation |
CWriterHepMC3 | Event writer based on HepMC3 |
CWriterHepMC3AsciiAndPythia6 | Event writer printing to two files: one in HEPMC3 format (Ascii), second in Pythia6 format |
CWriterHepMC3Type | Definition of enumeration values for writers available in HepMC3 |
CWriterModule | |
CWriterPythia6 | Event writer to match PYTHIA 6 format |
CWriterPythia6NoSeparator | Structure to avoid comma separators |
CDDVCSCFFTables | Module for evaluation of CFF values from lookup tables |
CDVCSCFFCMILOU3DTables | Module for evaluation of CFF values from lookup tables |
CDVMPCFFTables | Module for evaluation of CFF values from lookup tables |
CDVMPProcessTOYMCTables | |
CEmptyClass | |
CInterpMultilinear | |
CInterpSimplex | |
CNDInterpolator | |
CRecordModule | Definition of module for generation of random numbers |
CTestModuleObjectFactory | Factory to obtain pointer to a given module |