
EpIC: Monte Carlo generator for exclusive processes

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Running executable

After the successful building of the project, one may run EpIC executable in the following way:

./bin/epic --seed=SEED --scenario=SCENARIO_PATH

where SEED is the random seed (unsigned integer) to be used in the initialisation of modules that deal with random numbers, and SCENARIO_PATH is the relative or absolute path to the scenario containing all options used in the generation.

Structure of XML scenario

EpIC scenarios are written in XML markup language. The general structure of single scenario is the following:

<!-- XML header -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>

<!-- Definition of scenario -->
<!-- For bookkeeping it includes date and description -->
<scenario date="2022-01-01" description="My first scenario">

<!-- Selection of service and its method-->
<task service="DVCSGeneratorService" method="generate">

  <!-- General configuration -->

  <!-- Selection of kinematic ranges -->

  <!-- Indication of experimental conditions -->
  <!-- Configuration of ProcessModule -->

  <!-- Configuration of GeneratorModule -->

  <!-- Configuration of KinematicModule -->

  <!-- Configuration of RCModule -->

  <!-- Configuration of WriterModule -->


Here, only blocks containing specific information are shown. Each block is described in the following, for DVCS case. More example can be found in data/examples directory of the project.

General configuration of EpIC


  <!-- Number of events to be generated -->
  <param name="number_of_events" value="10" />
  <!-- Subprocess. Possible values: "DVCS" (pure DVCS), "BH" (pure Bethe-Heitler), "DVCS|BH" (pure DVCS and BH), "DVCS|BH|INT" (pure DVCS, BH and interference between both) -->
  <param name="subprocess_type" value="DVCS" />

Selection of kinematic ranges


  <!-- Range of $\xBj$ (Bjorken variable)-->
  <param name="range_xB" value="0.|1." />
  <!-- Range of $t$ --> 
  <param name="range_t" value="-1.|0." />
  <!-- Range of $Q^{2}$ -->
  <param name="range_Q2" value="1.|10." />
  <!-- Range of $\phi$ -->
  <param name="range_phi" value="0.|2*pi" />
  <!-- Range of $\phi_{S}$ -->
  <param name="range_phiS" value="0.|2*pi" />
  <!-- Range of $y$ -->
  <param name="range_y" value="0.01|0.95" />

Experimental conditions


  <!-- Energy of lepton beam -->
  <param name="lepton_energy" value="5." />

  <!-- Type of lepton beam, here electron -->
  <param name="lepton_type" value="e-" />
  <!-- Polarisation of lepton beam -->
  <param name="lepton_helicity" value="1" />
  <!-- Energy of hadron beam -->
  <!-- For target in rest frame use: value="fixed\_target" -->
  <param name="hadron_energy" value="10." />
  <!-- Type of hadron beam, here proton -->
  <param name="hadron_type" value="p" />
  <!-- Polarisation of hadron beam -->
  <!-- Possible values:  "0|0|0" for unpolarised target, "0|0|$\pm 1$" for long. polarised target, "$\pm 1$|0|0" or "0|$\pm 1$|0" for trans. polarised target -->
  <param name="hadron_polarisation" value="0.|0.|0." />

Configuration of PARTONS ProcessModule for the evaluation of Born cross-section


  <!-- Selection of module -->
  <!-- DVCSProcessBMJ12 module encodes BH, DVCS and interference Born cross-sections according to Refs. \cite{Belitsky:2001ns} and \cite{Belitsky:2012ch} -->
  <module type="DVCSProcessModule" name="DVCSProcessBMJ12">

    <!-- Selection of module used for evaluation of factorisation and renormalisation scales from DVCS kinematics -->
    <!-- DVCSScalesQ2Multiplier module identifies both scales as $Q^2$ variable -->
    <module type="DVCSScalesModule" name="DVCSScalesQ2Multiplier">

    <!-- Selection of module used for evaluation of GPD skewness variable, $\xi$, from DVCS kinematics -->
    <!-- DVCSXiConverterXBToXi module use $\xi = \xBj / (2 - \xBj)$ -->
    <module type="DVCSXiConverterModule" name="DVCSXiConverterXBToXi">

    <!-- Selection of module used for evaluation DVCS Compton form factors (CFFs) -->
    <!-- DVCSCFFCMILOU3DTables module does not evaluate CFFs from a GPD model during EpIC run-time,  instead it uses look-up tables of CFFs evaluated beforehand with a given GPD module. A number of such look-up tables are issued with EpIC -->
    <module type="DVCSConvolCoeffFunctionModule" name="DVCSCFFCMILOU3DTables">

      <!-- pQCD order of evaluation -->
      <param name="qcd_order_type" value="LO" />
      <!-- Path to look-up table, here the one based on GK GPD model -->
      <param name="cff_set_file" value="PATH/epic/data/ DVCSCFFCMILOU3DTables/tables_GK.root" />

Configuration of EventGeneratorModule for generation of kinematic configurations


  <!-- Selection of module -->
  <!-- EventGeneratorFOAM module uses mini-FOAM library \cite{Jadach:2005ex} that is issued with ROOT \cite{Brun:1997pa} -->
  <module type="EventGeneratorModule" name="EventGeneratorFOAM">
    <!-- Parameters of FOAM algorithm -->

    <!-- Maximum number of cells -->
    <param name="nCells" value="10000" />
    <!--Number of MC events when exploring a cell -->
    <param name="nSamples" value="2000" />
    <!-- Number of bins in edge histogram for a cell -->
    <param name="nBins" value="2000" />
    <!-- State of FOAM after the initialisation will be saved in PATH/state.root. To use this file in other EpIC run, skipping the initialisation in that run, use read\_state\_file\_path option -->
    <param name="save_state_file_path" value="PATH/state.root" />

Configuration of KinematicModule module for evaluation of four-momenta from kinematic configurations


  <!-- Selection of module -->
  <!-- DVCSKinematicDefault module provides default evaluation of four-momenta from DVCS kinematics -->
  <module type="DVCSKinematicModule" name="DVCSKinematicDefault">

Configuration of RCModule module for estimation of radiative corrections


  <!-- Selection of module -->
  <!-- DVCSRCCollinear module provides evaluation of initial and final state radiative corrections from lepton lines using collinear approximation, see Sect. \ref{sec:rc} for more details -->
  <module type="DVCSRCModule" name="DVCSRCCollinear">

Configuration of WriterModule module for creation and writing event records to output file


  <!-- Selection of module -->
  <!-- WriterHepMC3 module is used to save event records in HepMC3 format \cite{Buckley:2019xhk} -->
  <module type="WriterModule" name="WriterHepMC3">
    <!-- Path to output file containing event records -->
    <param name="output_file_path" value="test.txt" />
    <!-- Format of output file containing event records: "ascii" for text format, or "root" for binary ROOT format-->
    <param name="HepMC3_writer_type" value="ascii" />